Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Okay, I know I was supposed to follow the list (once again), however, this is a wee bit more serious than the things I have on the list... Perhaps I shall make a post on those topics later on.

      According to Dictionary.com the term "fanfiction" means "fiction written by fans of a TV series, movie, etc., using existing characters and situations to develop new plots". I feel the need to blog about this because I know many people who dislike fanfiction and the most popular reason for that is, of course, it ruins the entire story of the movie/show/book/game they like. But think about it. Fanfiction is something that is written by people of various ages,  for free, so the fellow fans could enjoy more moments with their favourite characters. Most people love to forget that. 
     I've read many fanfics, and I must say, most of them are very well written, and there are almost no grammatical errors, except a few typos and lack of punctuation (look who's talking... I think I might have a few punctuation errors myself). I would say more than a half of the fanfics I've read were written by teenagers and young adults, and let me assure you, they are as good as New York Times Bestselling Short Stories, if such a thing exists. Of course, there are ratings and warnings and this lovely thing that is called "fanfiction dictionary", which defines terms such as OOC (Out Of Character- the main character in the story possesses different attributes, or a different personality altogether), or OC (Original Character- the character is, as you can tell from the title, still the same, with only minor and wholly insignificant changes). A reader can browse through quick descriptions and pick out a fanfic of their preference, all easy as pi (a math pun doesn't belong here, in this somewhat Grammar related blog).
      So before you say that fanfiction is something for amateurs and those who have too much time on their hands, think about what I had said above. The process of writing a fanfiction is (as I address it) is art, and is no different from writing a short story, or a book. People who write fanfiction enjoy doing so, and are re-connecting other fans from all over the world with their favourite heroes. And they are doing it for free, ergo they are amazing, humble authors waiting to be discovered and praised.

Thank you for beautiful fanfics,


Saturday, 30 June 2012

My Obsession

Ah, I was supposed to make a blog on Societal Norms... My apologies, I simply thought this was more important.

Of course, my obsession has always been this anime/manga called "Death Note". Apparently they're making a movie which is planned for 2014. Since it is a big thing, I shall now list the possible cast, although I am sure I am asking for a bit too much.

L- Johnny Depp (simply because I cannot imagine any other actors playing L. Heck, I can't imagine Johnny Depp playing L. L is too unique.)
Light Yagami- Ask me later... For now I have this ridiculous hope that he'll be played by Reid from Criminal Minds.
Mello- I would say River Phoenix would have been oh-so-perfect for this role, however, he is dead. Therefore, I think Jamie Campbell Bower should play him. that would be spectacular.
Near- Oh, I don't know... Bu it must be someone who is not mainstream, besides, he should also have a slight British accent, because it'll sound more... Degrading to Mello.
Ryuk- He should be computerized. Obviously.

I'll add more when I think of it.

Forgive the obsession,


Thursday, 28 June 2012

Time As A Self-Contradictory Idea

“We say we waste time, but that is impossible. We waste ourselves.” -Alice Bloch

     Time is a concept, as well as a measurement by which we calculate the sequence of events, the duration, and also the intervals between. Of course, as humans we experience time whether we want it or not, however, I do not think that as a society we pay too much thought on the actual concept of time; we simply point out the lack of it. 
As I was reading the Wikipedia page on time, I realized that there are different outlooks on it by various religions. 
     Judaeo-Christian beliefs on time are pretty simple. They believe that time is linear, hence it began with the birth of the Earth, or, as most religion would point out, the creation of the universe by God. Ideally, this concept is accepted by most people, whether they are religious or not, simply because it suits the societal construction of our minds, hence the universally known abbreviation- YOLO.  Of course, there are many other outlooks on time. For example, the Cambridge idealist J. M. E. McTaggart has written a philosophical essay called "The Unreality Of Time". He argues quite cleverly that time does not exist. He states that every event that occurs could at one time be future, at another time present and at third time be past (Read more at http://www.enotes.com/topic/The_Unreality_of_Time#The_A-series). 
     Consequently, his entire argument revolves around the contradictions of time, as well as its faults (which I prefer calling the "black holes"). This concept is hard to comprehend at first, however, if you really ponder about it, you will realize that this might be valid. Obviously, we- as humans- cannot deny the existence of time, since metaphorically we resemble an hourglass, waiting for the sand to finish its pouring- waiting for Gentleman Death. In the end, he states that all events have the properties of past, present, and future, all at the same time. And if that was so, could our aging really only depend on the biology and the structures of our bodies? And if so, is it possible to leap out of the "time wrap" and forever stay young?

Yours truly,


Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Why has it been so long since I...

Greetings humans and possibly spirits that have not yet left this world!

It has been about four months since I've updated this blog. I am very well aware I should be updating this consistently, however, I seem to forget and... Hmm...? What was I talking about? Ah, yes. Ponies. Beautiful creatures, I must say.
I digress. 
I seem to find inspiration everywhere I go. It is quite odd, for I do not get inspired easily. You see, I've been inspired by so many things, I do not know what to write about first. Ah... How lovely. I've decided right this minute that I shall write a plan for the next few days as to what I will be talking about, thus preserving my thoughts in this black hole we call the almighty Internet.

Here goes...

1) Thoughts on Time (I am not trying to be punny here);
2) On Societal Norms, Barbies and Toy-trucks;

Aw, crud. I cannot think of any more suitable un-ridiculous topics on demand. I am trying to be productive here and accomplish something very useful that will benefit our almost-but-not-yet-wretched society.

3) Puns and Other Things Funny (good one, eh?);

Three down, two to go! I'll make the remaining two on the spot if I have to. I cannot think of any, therefore I shall quit using my brain as a uh... Source of ideas. For now. I just realized how ridiculously stupid that last sentence sounded.

Oh, the things I say on here.

With all due modesty,


Saturday, 18 February 2012

When Your Mind is _____

How do ideas form in our industrialized minds? Are we still considered animals? Why is the sky blue?

   When asked these questions in an oral conversation, we tend to make up things and make them seem like such grand and sophisticated facts. Aha-- I see a guilty look. We all know it's true. But what if whatever comes from our imagination was, indeed, real- or at least partially real? If we all could come up with one fact (be it "Food still travels to your stomach, even if you hang upside down", or "Ants taste like salt and vinegar chips"), it would probably be one of the oldest ones you know, the ones that you have seen at least a thousand times since you were a child.
   I am not really sure how our mind works, but a logical explanation would be that when we look at something, even for an instant, the carcass (the outline) is captured in the back of our minds. That way, it is stored in one of the millions of neurons, therefore staying in our minds for long periods of time, until old age eats up that particular spot of the brain. Thus, when we make up something, our brain tries to infuse the long forgotten fact into our so-called "fictional" ideas. Through this kind of function, our body makes sure that we use the fact unconsciously as to not forget it.
   To be frank, I have not looked up a single thing on human mind, and all these random and, one might say, madman's ideas are either from things I'v seen, the things I've heard or the things I've read before I even got the idea of posting a blog about ideas. Realistically, I would have to cite the sources if this entry was for educational purposes, but I could not resist sharing this friendly post to the peoples of the Earth and (hopefully) other planets.

With sincerity,


Thursday, 2 February 2012

Updating My Blog

  Yay, I changed my font style! So uhh, I have no idea what I should write, so brace yourself (as in prepare for something difficult, instead of put a bunch of metal bars on your teeth in order to straighten them). I will rant, rant and rant throughout this blog, and no, it will not have a purpose. Whatsoever. 
I am sitting in my living room, trying to think of a topic to rant about and miraculously a teacup comes into my view. I am sure every family member has their own personalized teacup (or mug, if you prefer).
  Since I was a child, using someone else's mug (teacup, if you prefer) has been a family taboo. Now, I am not saying that it's okay to use someone's personalized mug without permission because they might have a serious disease, or they might be infected with cooties. Hmm... I don't even know what cooties are _googles cooties_
  Interesting... Cooties were invented by children. Anyways, using someones teacup was a bad idea, and if you really wanted to do that in our household, you'd have to thoroughly wash the teacup used. This entire concept was put into actin because my brothers were very squeamish and they were not pleasantly surprised when someone touched their food or drink. But that "phase" is gone now. which reminds me, remember when our parents would tell us not to share drinks with other children, but now every teenager you see, share drinks, food and bunch of other things we were warned not to share. How rebellious of us.

P.S I'm still trying to think of a signature.

Fully sane,